We are proud to be able to count on the support and trust of many renowned Maisons.
These are prestigious chefs and establishments who have all been won over by French Philosophy team, the quality of its products, its ability to listen and deliver the best service.
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Patrick Guilbaud, Guillaume Lebrun, Stéphane Robin
Restaurant Patrick Guilbaud
Michelin stars, Dublin
"As a business we are always looking for perfection in our ingredients as well as in our tableware. It is why The French Philosophy is a perfect match for us. Their creative approach and professional delivery is second to none."
Martin Pitarque
Executive chef at Esterre restaurant Michelin stars, Tokyo
“The profession of chef is a profession of craftsman, of transmission and sharing. It is a passion and a demand for beautiful products. It was therefore obvious that I chose French Philosophy for myself and my teams, in order to achieve collective and professional fulfilment. The kitchen utensil is an extension of the hand. Today, thanks to French Philosophy, this enables us to fulfil our needs even on the other side of the world. I would like to thank you for your professionalism and flexibility.”
Jean-Philippe Blondet
Executive chef at Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester
Michelin stars, Londres
“I take pride and time to choose the best produce to work with and it is essential for me to cook it in the right equipment and utensils in order to bring out the flavours. This is the reason why I always choose French Philosophy in my kitchen, as I believe they have a true passion for excellence and consistency in all they make.”
Émily Roux et Diego Ferrari
Restaurant Caractère, Londres
“French Philosophy has been our main supplier of pots, pans and cutlery since our opening in 2018. Saber and Stephanie have always gone the extra mile to help us find unique and durable items for a restaurant. We would always recommend them to our colleagues!”
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